Army Ranger Lead The Way Fund “Lead The Way” is an active duty, casualty assistance, recovery and warrior transition non-profit organization. It was established to raise funds in support of disabled U.S. Army Rangers and the families of Rangers who have died, have been injured or are currently serving in harm’s way around the world. Lead The Way is primarily an all-volunteer, grassroots organization supported by hundreds of generous, patriotic citizens who have banded together since 2007 to help wounded Army Rangers and their families in many ways that the government cannot. Lead The Way provides spouses and children of deceased, disabled or active duty Rangers with assistance for health and wellness programs, and other services determined to be vital to the family’s well-being. Through the Ranger Assistance Programs, Lead The Way works closely with the United States Special Operations Command Care Coalition (USSOCOM), a government organization that vets all requests, to identify in-need Rangers and their particular needs. With the assistance of USSOCOM, Lead The Way is able to identify and help these Rangers from the moment of injury, through their rehabilitation, recovery and eventually as they transition from military back to civilian life. Lead The Way Fund was founded in honor of Sgt. James J. Regan, an Army Ranger who gave his life while serving in Iraq.
For the past ten years, Lead The Way has been a recipient of donations through its partnership with BTIG Charity Day. BTIG supports Lead The Way’s programs that include the Wounded Ranger Recovery and Warrior Transition program, the Ranger Chaplain program and the Ranger and Family Health and Wellness programs. These programs focus on enhancing the quality of life for Rangers and their families. These programs support the severely wounded Ranger during all phases of recovery beginning with an immediate financial stipend of $3,500 to a wounded Ranger and their family upon arrival to the hospital. Over the last year, Army Ranger Lead The Way Fund has worked hard to build out their Transition Programs, helping Rangers through the reintegration process, ensuring that they achieve their goals of a rewarding and prosperous civilian life. Through the Collegiate Access Program (CAP), in collaboration with partner organizations, Army Ranger Lead The Way Fund provides Rangers interested in advanced education with valuable tools and resources to help them navigate the complicated process of selecting and applying to top-level Universities. In the last few years, because of supporters like BTIG, Army Ranger Lead The Way Fund has donated over $3 million in support of Rangers and their families.
“BTIG’s dedication and commitment to Army Ranger Lead The Way Fund and to the men and families of the 75th Ranger Regiment has been totally outstanding. BTIG’s generosity has enabled us to make great strides in assisting our Army Rangers and their families, and we are incredibly grateful to have the organization’s continued support of our mission.”
–James P. Regan, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Army Ranger Lead The Way Fund